This is where sellers advertise their used boating equipment and buyers make contact with them direct to settle the deal. It's an entirely free service - there's no catch, charges nothing to either the seller or the buyer!
But should you wish to make a small contribution towards the cost of keeping afloat, then that would be greatly appreciated.
Not only will your ad appear on this site at Used Sailing Equipment for Sale it will also be published on our Facebook Page Used Sailing Gear for Sale!
Want to put your 'Used Boating Equipment For Sale' sign in front of hundreds of boaters every day, absolutely free of charge? must make a disclaimer at this point, in as much as this is a free service intended solely to put a seller and a potential buyer in contact. accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with this free service.
In offering your used boating accessories for sale on you're taking advantage of a free opportunity that you'd have to pay for on most other sites. We hope you sell your stuff soon.
Please let us know when it's sold and we'll take the advertisement down, to avoid further inquiries If you haven't told us otherwise after your advertisement has been up and running for three months, we'll assume your used sailing gear is sold.
Finally, will from time to time propagate the list of used boating equipment on sailing-related social media sites including our own on Facebook Page - and all for free of course!
And I'll also link to the list of used sailing gear on our free monthly newsletter...
Feb 14, 25 12:37 PM
Feb 14, 25 12:34 PM
Feb 14, 25 12:31 PM