If you cruise in a GRP boat, sooner or later you're going to need to get a fibreglass hull repair unless you're very lucky.
Perhaps just a dink in a slightly flawed berthing manouver - or something more disappointing.
Either way, one of the following facilities will have your hull's integrity re-established.
The Islands listed here each have at least one Fibreglass Hull Repairer.
Clicking on the island will find those facilities together with their contact details.
If you know of any GRP and Gelcoat Specialists that should be listed here - but aren't - please let us know...
Antigua Boats & Carpentry: ph (268) 720-2032,
Antigua Boatbuilders Company: ph (268) 772-6621;
Antigua Yacht Painting: ph (268) 774-1461;
BDR (Brightwork Detailing & Refinishing): ph (268) 789-4609;
Caribbean Marine Painting: ph (268) 773-6259;
Caribbean Yacht Coatings: ph (268) 788-4463;
Exclusive Fine Finish: ph (268) 782-6036;
Sunny's Woodworking & Yacht Refit: ph (268) 463-0095;
Woodstock Boatbuilders: ph (268) 463-6359; more details...
Driftwood Ltd: ph (473) 459-8333;
Grenada Marine: ph (473) 443-1667; more details...
Hands On Yacht Services: ph (473) 420-4129;
None known
MB Yacht Services: ph 0590 31 49 82;
Les Saintes
None known
Marie Galante
None known
Alain Delgraves: ph (0596) 92 02 99;
Alize Composites: ph (0696) 00 12 34;
Aquatech: ph (0596) 80 94 89;
EM Composites: ph (0596) 62 91 95;
GRPro Clean Antilles: ph (0596) 74 81 19;
Hybride Diffusion: ph (0596) 86 67 03;
Polymar: ph (0596) 70 62 88;
Renevoboats: ph (0596) 25 01 92;
RM Services: ph (0696) 72 25 44;
TechniMarine: ph (0696) 25 84 79;
2-Swedes: ph (0590) 41 88 14;
Mermaid Marine: ph (758) 488 5291;
Dutch Side:
Classic Fibreglass: ph 721-581-9405;
Kunta Classic Yacht Repairs: ph 721 553 2959;
Maintech: ph 599-544-3146:
Paint Tech: ph 721-586-7187;
Quality Yacht Refurbishing: ph 721-523-6576;
French Side:
CustomFitMarine: ph 721-587-4546;
Pascal Register: ph 0690-35-84-45;
Polypat Caraibes: ph 0590-87-12-01;
Star Marine: ph 0690-73-05-88;
St Vincent:
None known
East Coast Yacht Refinishing: ph (784) 458-3722;
SVG Yacht Services: ph (784) 530 8300; more details...
Marine Tech Services: ph (784) 526 8510;
None known
Petite St Vincent:
None known
Union Island:
Marine Tech Services: ph (784) 526 8510;
Unitech Marine Services: ph (784) 485 8002;
BVI Painters: ph 494-4365;
Tony’s Marine Refinishing Services: ph 494-0140;
VI Marine Refinishing: ph 494-0361;
Virgin Gorda
None known
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 779-8426;
Barker Gelcoat Restoration: ph 868-694-0064;
Boatwords & More: ph 868-731-4483;
Caribbean Carbon Works: ph 868-497-4964
Garth Walker Yacht Repairs: ph 868-762-5159;
Industrial Marine & Control Specialist: ph 868-681-4434;
KNJ Marine Services: ph 868-634-1021;
Marc One Marine Supplies: ph 868-634-2259;
Yacht Maintenance Services: ph 868-634-1165;
None known
Feb 14, 25 12:37 PM
Feb 14, 25 12:34 PM
Feb 14, 25 12:31 PM