The tropical sun plays havoc with painted hull sides and exterior varnish. Sooner or later you're going to need the services of Hull Painting Specialist or Varnishing Expert - probably one of those listed here.
I don't know why it should be, but it seems there's a whole army of people clamoring to paint your boat in Antigua.
The Islands listed here each have at least one hull painting specialist.
Clicking on the island will find them for you...
If you know of any boat painters or varnishers that should be listed here - but aren't - please let us know...
Boats & Carpentry: ph (268) 720-2032,
Antigua Brightworks: ph (268) 460-2706;
Antigua Slipway: ph (268) 460 1056;
Antigua Yacht Painting: ph (268) 774-1461;
Awlgrip Antigua: ph (268) 562-4243;
BDR (Brightwork Detailing & Refinishing): ph (268) 789-4609;
Caribbean Yacht Coatings: ph (268) 788-4463;
Caribbean Marine Painting: ph (268) 773-6259;
D.H. Boat Maintenance Services: ph (268) 786-2263;
Harris Boat Works: ph (268) 462-5333;
Micad Marine: ph (268) 899-1006;
Precision Yacht Paintings: ph (268) 728-7835;
Techniques Yacht Painter: ph (268) 742-2592;
Woodstock Boatbuilders: ph (268) 463-6359; more details...
The following tend to be individual Painting and Varnishing Specialists who prefer to work on a 'time and materials' basis rather than a lump sum quotation:
Acid: ph (268) 460-3498;
Bolie Yacht Maintenance: ph (268) 723-4121;
Billy Bailey: ph (268) 463-9400;
Bongo: ph (268) 560-4375;
Carl Rivere: ph (268) 774-2463;
Chico Itopie: ph (268) 462-6482;
Clarence Marsh: ph (268) 460-1301;
Curtis Barton: ph (268) 460-1574;
David Thomas: ph (268) 771-3225;
Dillinger: ph (268) 460-6334;
Don Hughes: ph (268) 460-1493;
Elvis: ph (268) 773-9827;
Howard Malone: ph (268) 460-8255;
Jawa Sebastion: ph (268) 460-1440;
JST International (aka King Kong): ph (268) 460-3309;
JT's Yacht Finishes: ph (268) 460-3329;
Loren Denova: ph (268) 560-3896;
Marcus Marine Works: ph (268) 773-0619;
Me Cool Brightworks: ph (268) 460-1143;
Mikey: ph (268) 464-3619;
Otis Payne: ph (268) 560-2618;
Piper's Brightwork: ph (268) 460-1323;
Rupert James Yacht Services: ph (268) 561-1526;
Rusty's International: ph (268) 460-1196;
Terry 'Dragon' Warner: ph (268) 723 9234;
Twins: ph (268) 723-8576;
Woody's Paint Shop: ph (268) 727-1165;
Works International: ph (268) 460-1451;
Driftwood Ltd: ph (473) 459-8333;
Grenada Marine: ph (473) 443-1667; more details...
Hands On Yacht Services: ph (473) 420-4129;
Martin Enterprises: ph (473)536 3231;
Sam Tan Tan: ph (473) 403 9904;
Tan Tan: ph (473) 440 1870;
Thaddeus Thomas: ph (473) 439 2498;
None known
Alain Degrave: ph (0696) 33 98 34;
Composite Yachting: ph (0696) 19 34 54;
EM Composites: ph (0596) 62 91 95;
Nautic Services: ph (0696) 51 55 23;
Polymar: ph (0596) 70 62 88;
Technique Cap Marine: ph (0596) 744771;
BBC Yachting: ph (758) 716 7610;
Curtis 'Bashman' Edmond: ph (758) 384 9643;
Elvis Helidore: ph (758) 284 3989;
Kennedy Joseph: ph (758) 716 0383;
Mermaid Marine: ph (758) 488 5291;
Dutch Side:
Ben: ph 721 526 0086;
Bunny: ph 721 580 5293;
Classic Fibreglass: ph 721-581-9405;
Derrick: ph 721 523 5022;
Farmer: ph 721 555 5426;
Kenny Awlgrip: ph 599-587-6942;
Paint Tech: ph 721-586-7187;
Peter: ph 721 554 2107;
Quality Yacht Refurbishing: ph 721-523-6576;
Michael Francis: ph 721 524 6187;
Kunta Classic Yacht Repairs: ph 721 553 2959;
French Side:
Star Marine: ph 0690-73-05-88;
St Vincent:
None known
Garnet Williams: ph (784) 526-1068;
Nicky and Nolan Hazel: ph (784) 495-4229;
Winfield Sargent: ph (784) 458 3058;
None known
None known
Petite St Vincent:
None known
Union Island:
None known
BVI Painters: ph 494-4365;
E & S Yacht Maintenance: ph (284) 495-7500;
Tony’s Marine Refinishing Services: ph 494-0140;
VI Marine Refinishing: ph (284) 499-1636 or (284) 499-0881;
Virgin Gorda
None known
St Croix
None known
St John
None known
St Thomas
Subbase Drydock: ph (340) 779-8426;
Bruno: ph (954) 288-8030;
Eddy Joseph: ph (340) 643-0734;
Kenny Pierre (of Kenny's Yacht Maintenance): ph (340) 998-9086;
Anthony Penn: ph 868-778-7913;
Awon's Marine Services: ph 868-682-5584;
Boatwords and More: ph 868-731-4483;
Classic Yacht Service: ph 868-798-5190;
Clinton Brewster: ph 868-633-4393;
Garth Walker Yacht Repairs: ph 868-762-5159;
Julius Mills: ph 868-739-6446;
Kent Andrews: ph 868-743-7881;
KNJ Marine Services: ph 868-634-1021;
Laine Company Boatworks Ltd: ph 868-685-3308;
La Serena Varnish Works: ph 868-689-1433;
Lester Lewis: ph 868-687-6483;
Marcus Joseph: ph 868-755-4696;
Michelle Matthews: ph 868-743-7881;
Rainbow Company: ph 868-681-7437;
Rawle's Boat Painting: ph 868-681-7437;
Richard Varnishing Services: ph 868-682-3370;
Ricky Denoon: ph 868-777-6995;
Taylor's Varnishing: ph 868-760-3667;
Vessel Integrity Preservation: ph 868-634-4327;
Yacht Maintenance Services: ph 868-634-1165;
None known
Feb 14, 25 12:37 PM
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