Finding somewhere to get Propane and Butane Gas Bottle Refills in these islands can sometimes be a bit of a challenge - butane being particularly so.
We've found seven islands that you can get it done, but there's got to be others.
If you know of any, please drop us a line.
The Islands listed here each have at least one Gas Bottle Refill Station.
Clicking on the island will show you where they are and how to contact them.
If you know of any other places you can get gas bottles refilled that should be listed here - but aren't - please let us know...
Anchor Conscierge & Superyacht Services: ph (268) 734-1865;
Catamaran Marina: ph (268) 460-1503;
Jane's Yacht Services: ph (268) 460-2711, 460-3741;
Jolly Harbour Marina: ph (268) 462-6042/1;
Grenada Yacht Club: ph (473) 440 3050;
Henry Safari: ph (473) 444 5313;
Spice Island Marine: ph (473) 444 4257; more details...
Survival Anchorage: ph (473) 443 3957;
Whisper Cove Marina: ph (473) 444-5296;
None known
Bichik Services: ph (0596) 74 70 94;
La Boutik SMCR: ph (0596) 50 19 12;
CEBI: ph (0596) 74 95 43;
L'Etang Z'abricots: ph (0596) 75 11 57;
VITO: ph (0596) 76 73 78;
Note: Only butane is available in Martinique - propane is unobtainable.
St Kitts
None known
Nevis Gases: ph (869) 469 5409;
Suds Laundry: ph (758) 285 4388;
Dutch Side:
Budget Marine: ph 599-544-5577/3134;
Gas King: ph 721-544-3138;
Island Water World: ph 599-544-5310;
Palapa Marina: ph 599-545-2735;
French Side:
Island Water World: ph 590 590 513206;
St Vincent:
None known
Grenadine Yacht Equipment (GYE): ph (784) 458-3347;
None known
None known
Petite St Vincent:
None known
Union Island:
Unitech Marine Services: ph (784) 485-8002;
O'Neal Gases Ltd: ph 494-2825;
Popeye: ph 494-3989;
Shell Baughter's Bay Depot: ph 494-2258;
Shell Fish Bay: ph 494-1182;
Virgin Gorda
None known
Ian Taxi: ph 868-632-7833;
None known
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